Tag Archives: Liam Flynn’s Ale House
Nothing Doing: Our Bi-Weekly Political Roundup
Hi-ho Choppers. Do you know what today is? Of course you do. There’s a dateline right under the title of this post. Today is August 14. which means it’s pretty much the exact dead-on middle of August. Which means there’s nothing much at all going on politically with all of congress back in their districts […]
Zimmerman, Egypt, and Water Bills: Our Bi-Weekly Political Roundup
We’re coming into one of the worst times of the year for news junkies and political watchers. We’re just a few weeks away from congress’ annual August recess when nothing at all happens in Washington. That’s not to say that anything has been happening in Washington with congress there. The House Republicans are still gripped […]
Privacy Scmivacy: Our Bi-Weekly Political Roundup
Two weeks ago in this space we opined that the current crop of Washington scandals isn’t really so scandalous. And judging by the amount of coverage that they’re getting in the press this week, we were right. The AP, Benghazi, the IRS, these are all now officially old news. They’ve become something that, if it’s […]
The Scandal, My Friend, is Blowin’ in the Wind: Our Bi-Weekly Political Roundup
So, your Chop might just be the only person in America who is of this opinion, but if you ask us there aren’t any serious scandals going on in Washington right now. Sure, there are “scandals” but they really amount to little more than business as usual. We fail to see how Benghazi, the IRS […]