Tomorrow: Kill Yr 90’s Night @ Golden West

If we’re being honest, we’ve been suffering a bit of charity fatigue lately. It’s gotten so that we can’t check our email without hearing about some big-time weekend charity event for this or that cause. We can’t log onto the internet without someone asking us to kickstart this or indiegogo that. Want to watch the […]

Landspeedrecord!, Poly/Western @ Metro Gallery Tomorrow

Why is it that sometimes the best bands are also the laziest? We don’t mean to call anyone lazy, especially since we pretty much take the cake for sloth in this town, but we can’t help but notice that sometimes those with the most talent do relatively little with it. Consider the scant output by […]

LandSpeedRecord!, Free Electric State @ Windup Space Tonight

LandSpeedRecord! is a cool band. Don’t argue with us. Of course they’re a cool band. Why would we write about them if they weren’t? Do you think we made this blog just to tell you about bands that are not cool? That would be dumb. You know what’s not dumb? LandSpeedRecord!, that’s what. Which is […]