Hop Along @ MICA Tonight

When we were in Nashville this Summer, poking around in all the shrines to country music we noticed a funny little phrase that kept popping up on plaques and descriptions over and over again: “old time family band.” Which is what it sounds like- you have a bunch of kids and teach each one a […]

Secret Mountains, Dangerous Ponies @ Golden West Tonight

We were sad to hear the news a few weeks ago that the Hexagon Space was closing. We’re sad to hear about any venue closing up, even if we don’t go there very often. Fletcher’s, The Supreme Imperial, even Hal Daddy’s; we may have gone there pretty seldom, but any venue is better than no […]

Secret Mountains, Hop Along @ Hexagon Tonight

It’s Friday Baltimore. Ease up a little. You’ve been busting ass and running yourself ragged all week… don’t think we haven’t noticed. So tonight it’s all about taking it easy. Slow and Low, that’s the word today. And we’re in luck again, cause after you hit that post-work happy hour and nosh on something spring-timey […]