Baltimore Bike Party & Afterparty @ Lexington Market Tonight

Tonight is the final Friday of the month and that means it’s time for the June ride of the Baltimore Bike Party. Tonight’s theme is the 80’s, so be sure you don’t get your legwarmers and parachute pants caught in the chain! The ride begins at the Washington Monument in Mount Vernon with cyclists meeting […]

Baltimore Bike Party Halloween Brew-Ha-Ha Tonight

It’s been a while since we did the whole Bike Party thing. We tried to do it back in June and while we made it to the Block Party, we decided that 110° was just too damn hot for recreational riding. Then we thought about doing it again in July when there was a coordinated […]

Bikemore Homebrew Tour and Fundraiser Tonight

Update: Tonight’s bike ride is officially sold out. There’s only so much beer to go around. If you snoozed you lose-d. There will be another one soon. When you want a great glass of beer in Baltimore you usually think to head to one of the go-to spots. Max’s, Mahaffey’s, The Brewer’s Art; they have […]

Flicks From the Hill- Breaking Away @ AVAM Tonight

We don’t usually like to write about the same exact things week in and week out here at the Baltimore Chop. We like to mix it up a little, keep it fresh. But as we mentioned yesterday, bloggers is broke these days, so things like free movies are exceptionally good entertainment on our budget of […]

Bike Block Party @ Baltimore Streetcar Museum Today

If there’s one thing every Baltimorean should own it’s a good calendar. Every time you turn around there’s a First Thursdays or a Final Fridays or a T-Shirt Tuesdays or some such thing. It’s quite a task to keep track of all of the various events that neighborhoodsy civic type associations like to put on. […]