Neighborhood Pop-Ups: Get Ready to Buy Into Baltimore

When we bought the Chophouse a few years ago, we had a pretty good idea exactly what we were looking for. Living close to downtown was a must for us, but alas… a four story brownstone next door to the Engineers Club was a bit beyond our means. We could afford a pretty nice house […]

Baltimore’s Best International Grocers, Part 2

Beyond the almighty blue crab, Baltimore cuisine often gets a bad rap- and it’s not entirely undeserved. Traditional dishes like shad roe and terrapin soup are little more than relics from 100 years ago, and the typical supermarket cart here is chock full of Esskay meats, Utz BBQ chips and H&S potato rolls. Sometimes it […]

Baltimore’s Best International Grocers, Part 1

One of the problems with traditional supermarket shopping is that no matter how big the stores get, no matter how many products they offer, it’s too easy to fall into the supermarket rut. The typical shopper will buy staples like bread, milk, eggs and peanut butter, and beyond that stick to certain brands and products […]

The Best Halloween Candy Ever

Another Halloween is nearly upon us Baltimore. Will you be ready when it arrives? The Chop has a couple of things lined up for the weekend, but honestly, this Halloween-falling-at-either-end-of-the-weekend business is starting to wear on us. Slowly and sneakily Halloween is becoming almost a week-long festival more than a one-day kids’ holiday. Whereas last […]

Hipster Parking Lot

Update: Sonar is closed and now that Station North is Saving the City this lot is no longer free parking. It’s kind of ironic that we’re writing a post about parking now that we’ve resolved to give up our car, but there are two changes in parking at places we go regularly that are worth […]