No Cover: Why Passing the Hat Works for Everyone

When we visited Austin recently we were a little bit surprised at a lot of things. We knew we should expect food trucks, but we didn’t know we should expect whole trailer parks full of food trucks. We knew people wore stetsons and cowboy boots, but they wear them like to the grocery store. And […]

Ice in the Urinals

Welp, it’s Summer. It’s the Summerest part of Summer; Fourth of July week. It’s hot. Everything in the world is sticky and stinky and miserable and disgusting. It rains every day now for some stupid reason and then the sun heats up the rain in the ground and you can’t breathe and everyone gets steamed […]

Shake a Day

As we mentioned yesterday, the city of Superior, Wisconsin prides itself on the number of bars within its limits. One needn’t visit more than a few of them to realize that they’re all strikingly similar. They’ve all got the same cheap tile floors, the same low-grade wood bar and vinyl stools, same neon signs and […]

The Bar Telephone

In a Baltimore Sun piece last week, the lazy, mediocre Erik Maza took pains to mention four separate times in a 400 word review that there is no telephone hooked up in Murphy’s Law Tavern. “It seems [Bar Rescue’s] producers — or the owners — forgot to fix some things. The phone line, for one. […]