Chris Matthews Comes to Town: Our Bi-Weekly Political Roundup

Tonight’s the fourth Wednesday in October and that means that it’s once again time for the regular meeting of Baltimore’s Chapter of Drinking Liberally. For those not familiar DL is an informal group of Liberals and Progressives that meets twice monthly at Dougherty’s in Mount Vernon to have a few beers and chat about issues […]

Ted Cruz Sucks: Our Bi-Weekly Political Roundup

Today is the fourth Wednesday of the month and that means that it is of course the day appointed for the regular meeting of Baltimore’s Drinking Liberally chapter. An informal way for Liberals and Progressives to meet up and connect offline to enjoy beer and political/social conversation DL meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at […]

Syria: Our Bi-Weekly Political Roundup

Two weeks ago in this space we took the position of not taking a position on Syria. We basically stuck a thumb up our ass and said ‘Oh gee well we don’t want to drop any bombs but chemical weapons are bad, ummkay?’ Now that the question is before congress let us hone this blog’s […]

2012 Election Predictions

We think Obama’s going to win. That’s not really a shocker coming from a decidedly liberal blog in a decidedly liberal city. We think Obama will win in a walk and that’s always been our opinion, since even before the GOP primaries. There was never even a time when we were even a little bit […]

Godspeed You! Black Emperor @ Ram’s Head Live Tonight

We kind of have mixed feelings about Godspeed You Black Emperor here at the Baltimore Chop. They’re a band that’s always had a lot of vision and integrity and has been unique every step of the way, defying comparison to other bands in an age where you are the sum of your culture. On the […]