Tag Archives: instagram
The Chop Returns From Sea
The life of a sailor is a peculiar thing. It’s more like two lives, really. There’s life at sea, which is very regimented and routine and carries over from ship to ship. After you’ve gained enough sea time you start to realize how small the world actually is- seeing some of the same guys over […]
Pictures from Duluth
Our recent travels brought us to Duluth, Minnesota and the city just across the river, Superior, Wisconsin. What’s Duluth like? It’s nice enough. It’s a very pleasant place, if not the most thrilling city on earth. There’s a waterfront park which is popular among the locals. You can watch the bridge raise and lower itself […]
Pictures From Detroit
And just like that we’re back. We’ve spent the last two months working up in Minnesota and Michigan. We were pretty busy that whole time, and didn’t get to carve out much time at all for recreation, but thanks to the magic of DirectTV we were at least able to keep up with the Orioles. […]