Baltimore’s Cyclist Assaults are Motivated by Race, Class

Two weeks ago we wrote at length about Baltimore’s neighborhoods and their racial and class divides. The lines between neighborhoods, and between black and white are very finely drawn and are as old as our city itself. They haven’t changed very much since the period of white flight after the Jim Crow era, and they’re […]


Don’t look now Baltimore, but it’s that time of year again. That time when our web browsers and social media feeds, not to mention our actual streets are clogged to the gills with rich suburbanites pretending to be working class city folk by wrapping themselves in cheap plastic boas and cat’s eye glasses. Yes it […]

Found Footage Festival @ Creative Alliance Tomorrow

What could Mr. T’s mother, toilet training for cats, herpes, and puppet aerobics all possibly have in common? Only the fact that someone thought they were not worth watching, and so they all ended up in some thrift shop or garage sale or flea market or video-outlet bargain bin, where Joe Pickett and Nick Prueher […]