A Salute to the Curb Shoppe

This is not a bar and restaurant review. It’s a salute. After all, reviews are typically written about places that are new. Sometimes brand new and aren’t yet a known quantity. Mount Washington’s Curb Shoppe is anything but new, being one of the few remaining establishments that can trace its origins as far back as […]

Bring Back the Buyback

We’re loathe to admit that New York City has ever done anything better than Baltimore. Sure, they do everything bigger, but that’s not necessarily better. It almost killed us when we were forced to admit that they’ve outdone us for happy hour, and it hurts us again when we have to discuss the matter of […]

2 for 1 Happy Hour and the New Math

In many ways, there’s no better bar special out there than the two for one happy hour. Unless you’re going to feed us some free tasty food, getting twice the drink and half the check is pretty hard to beat. Perhaps the greatest thing about it though, is the new math. When you buy a […]

Free Food for Happy Hour

The Chop is jumping on the Bolt Bus and heading up to New York for a party tonight. As much as we’re loathe to admit that any city anywhere has some advantage over Baltimore, and especially New York City, we can’t deny that there is one aspect in which the Big Apple is thoroughly and […]