The Places We’ve Never Been

An unusual turn in our daily schedule had us heading uptown in the early afternoon yesterday, and it finally afforded us a chance to grab lunch at Land of Kush. It was pretty good, by the way. Good vegan food and big portions of it for reasonable prices. It was very much like the Yabba […]

Shake a Day

As we mentioned yesterday, the city of Superior, Wisconsin prides itself on the number of bars within its limits. One needn’t visit more than a few of them to realize that they’re all strikingly similar. They’ve all got the same cheap tile floors, the same low-grade wood bar and vinyl stools, same neon signs and […]

Peter’s: No, The *Other* Peter’s

Walking around and looking for a drink in downtown Baltimore can make you feel a little like Goldilocks. The Inner Harbor bars are too touristy and overpriced. The non-touristy places, like Midway Bar are too sketchy (and overpriced). But if you look hard enough, you can find a bar that’s juuuuust right. Most people have […]

The House Specialty: Baltimore Bars and Their Signature Drinks

Most people are pretty predictable drinkers. There’s definitely something to be said for having a go-to drink that can see you through thick and thin. It’s a great feeling to walk into your regular bar, good day or bad, and see your favorite bartender at the ready- say ‘I’ll have the usual.’ Sometimes though, you […]