Bike Block Party @ Baltimore Streetcar Museum Today

If there’s one thing every Baltimorean should own it’s a good calendar. Every time you turn around there’s a First Thursdays or a Final Fridays or a T-Shirt Tuesdays or some such thing. It’s quite a task to keep track of all of the various events that neighborhoodsy civic type associations like to put on.

And frankly most of them are kind of boring. We like the First Fridays in Hampden because all the stores give away free beer, but other than that there’s not much draw. We wouldn’t go very far out of our way for any kind of third-Turdsday event because they’re mostly dull.

But tonight’s Final Friday in Station North will probably not be dull.

The poster has most of the pertinent info, so we’re not going to repeat it all here because there’s quite a bit of it. We’re just going to say that it sounds like a fun way to check out the Baltimore Streetcar Museum if you’ve never seen it before.

It’s also just down the road from the sadly dilapidated Round Falls site we wrote about earlier this week. We would encourage cyclists citywide to take a moment to check out the spot for themselves, as well as to file requests for cleanup via the City’s 311 mobile app, which we’ve already done.

Tonight’s block party also coincides with the Charles Street Friday Market, making it a doubly good excuse to drink beer during the day on public streets. Bring your NPR tote bag and make sure your bike has a basket and you can stock up on fresh veggies and whatnot.

Finally, if you live anywhere between Hampden, Mayfield, and Fell’s Point the Baltimore Bike Party is going to be passing close to your house. Check out their route map for June and let them ride you home, or stick with the group all the way to the ride’s endpoint at Dogwatch Tavern.

Baltimore Streetcar Museum is located at 1901 Falls Road in Station North.

Terrible Feelings @ Golden West Tonight

Terrible Feelings is a band.

They’re from Sweden.

This is what we imagine they look like when they play live.

A visual approximation of every band from Sweden.

They sound like a cross between The Vicious and Siouxsie and the Banshees.

They sound like this:

There are more songs on their Soundcloud page.

They’re playing with Highway Cross and Paper Dragons, who are bona fide Balto HC punk dudes.

It’s at Golden West and the doors are at 10.

The Couch Chronicles, Volume XV

You already know that Su Casa sells furniture. You’re probably also aware that they’ve got you covered on everything from home decor to kitchen essentials to things for the kids’ bedrooms and play areas. They can even help you stock your bar.

But what you probably didn’t know is that they also sell time machines !

But don’t get your hopes up. They’re not the good kind of time machines that let you go back in history and kill Hitler and ride dinosaurs and buy a bunch of Apple stock on the cheap.

No, they’re the kind of time machines that make time elapse without notice, almost instantaneously. Since we received our new sofa from Pad, the time has absolutely flown by almost completely unaccounted for. We sit down after breakfast, and next thing we know it’s dinner time. We kick back to watch TV, and all of a sudden 7 hours disappear. We lie down just to rest our eyes, and boom It’s suddenly the next day.

To illustrate our point, this is what it’s like to own a piece of furniture from Su Casa…

It's an excellent adventure.

It's groovy baby, yeah!

It's enough to make you wanna kiss your own mama.

It's just a step to the left...

It's out of this world.

We had a blast during all of the months we spent coming up with design ideas, shopping for furniture, and seeing it all come together. Now that June and this blogging competition are nearly over, it’s hard to believe it’s gone by so quickly.


This post is part of our entry in the Test it, Blog it, Win it contest. You can see the before pictures, track our living room’s design progress, and read all of the posts in this series here.

SCOTUS: Our Bi-Weekly Political Roundup

We haven’t had oh so much to say recently about politics. Now that the Summer is in full swing political news has been mainly dominated by talk of fundraising and who’s raising how much and from whom, with only a little silliness thrown in for good measure.

Today we have the opposite problem. Thanks to the Supreme Court, we’ve got entirely too much to talk about. In fact, it’s so much to talk about that we don’t even feel like getting into it.


It’s mostly boring legal-y stuff. Dissecting laws and junk like that. And the court is acting like a major record label or something, having all these decisions and dropping them strategically like hit singles. They got Arizona on the radio and Montana on Mtv, but it’s all just teasers for when the Healthcare LP drops tomorrow.

It would be a real chore to write about it all here. Hell, it’s a chore even reading about it. If you want to read about it though, and you don’t want to hear a bunch of bullshit speculation from the same faux experts you see on cable news, check out Scotus Blog. It’s good for things like that.

And if you want to issue some opinions of your own, there’s no better way to do it than on a barstool. Baltimore’s Drinking Liberally Chapter will meet tonight at Liam Flynn’s Ale House. Admission is free and all (Liberals) are welcome. Just look for the red, white and blue bottle on the table.


Liam Flynn’s is located at 22 W. North Ave in Station North. 7 pm.

What We Found at Round Falls

One of the biggest benefits to cycling is the ability to notice things that would be missed passing by in a car. Whether it’s something as small as a makeshift snowball stand or as large as Sherwood Gardens, There’s an entire world waiting to be discovered outside your car.

We happened across one such random discovery recently, and were at once impressed and bemused by something that’s been hidden in plain sight all along.

Round Falls is an urban oasis that's much closer than you think.

We’ve passed by Round Falls literally hundreds of times. Most of those were in a car, but even accounting for the several dozen times we’ve been past it on a bike we’ve still never given it much thought. As you can see on the map, It’s set back from the road quite a bit. Like the rest of the Jones Falls it’s well hidden and not very inviting.

Usually if we’re riding down Falls Road it’s because we want to get downtown in a hurry. Last week though, we took a trip that way and decided to see exactly what was behind this sign.

After descending a long makeshift staircase carved into the steep hillside, we came upon the kind of hidden alcove more fit for a storybook than a post-industrial city. The man-made waterfall is surrounded by greenery and is beautiful in all respects.

Unfortunately, the observation deck from which you’re meant to view the falls, as well as all of the other facilities nearby are as rundown and ugly as the falls are beautiful. The Observation deck itself is absolutely encrusted in the accumulated filth and grime of years. The seating area is covered entirely in graffiti, Trash is strewn about liberally, and the access stairs are wanting maintenance. Perhaps most distressing of all, the safety railings which stand between observers and the water are crudely constructed and inadequate. Some are very loose, and one is missing entirely.


Trashcan overflowing

Trash is seldom, if ever, emptied.



Safety railings are absent or in need of repair.


The cost to build something like this must be in the hundreds of thousands today, yet now we as a city already have it built and can’t be bothered to spend a very few dollars and a small amount of hours to maintain it. Bringing this place back into good condition could be accomplished by a small public works crew on a single truck, or even by a dedicated corps of volunteers.

This kind of urban retreat could be a regular destination for cycle commuters around Mount Vernon to spend their lunch hour, or a natural stopping point for people heading northwest on their way home after a day of work. Instead it’s a place for the homeless to kick around and for kids to hang out and drink.

James W Rouse observation deck

The Deck and bench are badly in need of power washing and painting.

Hidden away though it is, we can’t believe that no one in city government knows about Round Falls. It’s directly adjacent to some of the city’s best new bicycle infrastructure, and there is even a bike rack placed at the top of it. With all of the planning and investment that’s gone into making Baltimore bike-friendly recently, we can only assume that this neglect is willful.

Round Falls is exactly the sort of asset that has the ability to urge people out of their cars and onto bicycles, and it’s a shame to see it going to waste this way.