Hey Remember That Time We Started Bombing Syria?: Our Bi-Weekly Political Roundup

If this all feels a little too familiar it should. We did it in Iraq and it was a disaster. Then we did it in Libya and while it wasn’t a disaster, it wasn’t exactly walking on sunshine either. Now we’re about to start bombing another Middle Eastern country, pretty much because we feel like […]

Tavern on the Hill: Humble Beginnings

It was with great dismay that we came back to town to hear news of the closing of Dionysus. Dio was perhaps our favorite Mount Vernon bar, not too much of anything but just enough of everything. Let the beer snobs go to Brewers’ and the clubby people go to Red Maple and the drunks […]

Baltimore Bike Party & Afterparty @ Lexington Market Tonight

Tonight is the final Friday of the month and that means it’s time for the June ride of the Baltimore Bike Party. Tonight’s theme is the 80’s, so be sure you don’t get your legwarmers and parachute pants caught in the chain! The ride begins at the Washington Monument in Mount Vernon with cyclists meeting […]

The Chop’s Guide to the 2012 Baltimore Book Festival

We said in this space recently that Baltimore’s premiere cultural festival, Artscape, was highly overrated. The whole experience is such that some years we skip over it entirely and don’t even show up for a single day. This weekend the coin flips, and the city is gearing up for its best and most underrated festival, […]

The Tyranny of Overrated Things

Artscape is coming up this weekend. We might even bother to go to it. Don’t get us wrong: Artscape is a great and wonderful thing and our heart floweth over with civic pride and our city is truly lucky to have a premier arts event that generates tons of commerce and community and culture and […]