Robicelli’s Bakery- Don’t Believe the Hype
This Feelgood Story doesn’t Feel So Good.
This Feelgood Story doesn’t Feel So Good.
There’s been little doubt that Bud Selig has been the worst commissioner in major league history, but just in case any of that doubt remained it now vanishes once and for all. Baseball’s nationally televised games are already all but unwatchable, the playoff system is far too long and convoluted, the free agent market is […]
Every year about this time we like to take a little break from baseball for a while. After all, it’s a long season. When you watch as many Orioles games as we do it can be tough to get yourself excited for something like today’s game of Detroit vs Oakland at 1pm on a Monday. […]
Happy Facebook Day everybody! This post is being published at 7:00 am, and odds are that even at this early hour you’re already completely sick of hearing about Facebook’s IPO and how they have a billion users and are worth a trillion dollars etc etc etc. We’ve certainly got our opinion of the IPO and […]