First Impressions of Baltimore’s Bike Share Program
Bike Share’s Got a Lot of Potential
Bike Share’s Got a Lot of Potential
Two weeks ago we wrote at length about Baltimore’s neighborhoods and their racial and class divides. The lines between neighborhoods, and between black and white are very finely drawn and are as old as our city itself. They haven’t changed very much since the period of white flight after the Jim Crow era, and they’re […]
We mentioned on Friday that we had mixed feelings about the police presence at Baltimore Bike Party. Let us be clear now: those feelings are no longer mixed. According to the BBP Facebook page the city has demanded that all riders stop at all red lights during the ride. The organizers and (for the most […]
So, we’re not sure if we made this up, or just picked it up along the way some place, but we’re going to go ahead and take credit for it because it appears that we are actually the first to publish it on the internet, and as everyone knows the internet is like the official […]
There are a couple of seldom-admitted paradoxes that we’ve been noticing more and more lately that we want to address today, and they have to do with bicycles and buses. Most of the “bike people” we know and interact with are eager to evangelize bicycling as a lifestyle. They’re always quick to tout the health […]