Why the Democrats are Winning the Shutdown: Our Bi-Weekly Political Roundup

Despite what the phony hand-wringing moralizers among us say about how the government shutdown hurts everybody and there are real human consequences and veterans and cancer patients and little children yadda yadda and “there are no winners” well that’s bullshit. At the end of the day, like it or not, one side will win and […]

Wedding Cockrings: Our Bi-Weekly Political Roundup

Two weeks ago in this space we wrote that the dog days of political Summer have come early this year, and so far it looks like we were right. There haven’t been a whole hell of a lot of interesting or important things happening in the world of national politics lately. Since the last time […]

Bombs Over Benghazi: Our Bi-Weekly Political Roundup

When Barack Obama was elected by a wide margin, and subsequently handed a Nobel Peace Prize, it was all based on one simple idea: that he’s not George Bush. Candidate Obama, for all his lofty speeches was elected on an unspoken compact with the electorate. He promised us, without saying so, that whenever he was […]