Taking Sides in the Great Workwear Debate
Clothes don’t make the man rugged.
Clothes don’t make the man rugged.
Now that Fall has arrived and it’s cold enough the whole day through to be wearing layers you should already have gone through your closet and given your blazers and sport coats a once-over for the season, checking to see which ones may need an alteration or a pressing to prepare them for daily wear. […]
As we said a couple of weeks ago here on the blog the Chop is particularly excited to be entering the heart of sweater season- particularly cardigan sweater season. But unfortunately it’s not as easy as just reaching into the back of the closet and feeling around for something wool to throw on. Around this […]
The coming on of Fall and the (finally!) broken heat means more than just stocking up the fridge with pumpkin ales. Around the Chophouse it means switching it up in the liquor cabinet as well. Gone are the need for light, crisp club soda mixers. This time of year we’re ready for something a bit […]
In a break with Internet tradition we present to you today a post that is not about the ‘top five’ ‘Best’ bourbons and ryes. After all, the web is full of clickbait articles by phony experts as to what makes one whiskey superior to another. Adding our own opinion isn’t going to do much in […]