It’s Been a Quiet Week in Lake Wobegone…
A Dispatch from Southern Maryland.
A Dispatch from Southern Maryland.
When it comes to shipping it is very easy to find out the size of things. If you want to know how large a particular ship or terminal is the statistics are freely available. But when comparing numbers, especially to a novice, it is easy to become confused or just plain bored comparing tonnage, TEU’s, […]
A quick jaunt to warmer climes.
We’ve only had the misfortune to experience one Grand Prix race weekend, as we were out of town working during last year’s race. We look forward to the day when our city can return to normalcy for Labor Day Weekend- when we can go see a ball game or go to a restaurant or even […]
Sorry Baltimore, but it’s Summer vacation time for the Chop. Since half of North Baltimore is about to be taken over by Artscape we’ve decided to slip out while the slipping is good and we’re slipping all the way to Texas, can you dig it? One of our closest friends moved to Austin last Fall, […]