The Chop was introduced to the music of Detroit’s Protomaryr only very recently. So an in-depth record review is not the order of the day here. We’re just gonna keep this post very simple. To put it like the Iron Sheik might put it:
Is this band the Real or Take a Fucking Walk???
We’re here to tell you they are The Real. Protomartyr is among the rightful heirs to the Sisters of Mercy and Bauhaus. Here’s what NPR’s First Listen had to say:
“Casey’s portrayal of the Motor City conjures the same beaten pathos that Joy Division and The Smiths extracted from the malaise of Manchester, England, some 30-plus years ago. But his mates in Protomartyr go about it with garage-rock grit befitting their city’s less-romanticized lineage.”
If you dig contemporary bands like Lower Dens and Puerto Rico Flowers You need to get yourself out to the Gold Bar tonight to see Protomartyr for yourself when they come through town in support of their new record Under Color of Official Right, out now on Hardly Art. Here’s a track from that album, enjoy.
[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=1724211651 size=small bgcol=333333 linkcol=e32c14 t=10]