So Ignite Baltimore is tonight. We’re going to go because we enjoy the Ignite series very much and always come away with some interesting perspectives on things we may not have considered before. Tonight’s event will be no exception, and we’re most especially looking forward to talks like Bicycle Lanes: A Path to Sustainable Urban Development and Investing for Normal People.
You can find all of tonight’s 16 topics on the Ignite homepage. In fact, you can find out just about everything you would want to know on the Ignite site including how to submit a proposal, photos and videos from past events, and information on Ignition Grants which are awarded to all sorts of innovators throughout Baltimore.
So there’s really not much point in us repeating everything that’s on their very excellent website. The only two things that you should know about Ignite that aren’t stated on their site are as follows:
1/ That if you ever want to get tickets to Ignite you pretty much have to sign up for the mailing list. The event has a very loyal fanbase who, like the Chop, enjoy going to each event and are subscribed to the mailing list. List subscribers hear about ticket sale dates first, and since the tickets are still only $5 apiece they sell out very quickly.
2/ The beer is free. The event listing always says ‘Doors at 6, Speakers at 7’ but what they don’t tell you is that beer is free during the social hour, so you should actually show up right at 6. Enjoy a couple of beers and pick out a seat by about 6:45 because, like we said, it’s sold out and you might get stuck near iPad guy in the back.