For real, Baltimore: we are excited about Hampdenfest. Like even more than Christmas. And let’s be honest here- we’re going to hang out with more friends than we ever have on Christmas. We’re going to eat more mac and cheese and bread pudding than we ever have on Christmas. We’re going to see more great bands in one day than we will in the whole month of December. And if we’re being honest here we’re probably going to get a lot drunker than we ever would on Christmas.
Plus we get to watch the Waiter Race, the Hampden Idol karaoke contest and the Toilet Bowl Races, which is a damn sight more fun than shopping mall Santas and carolers.

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Here’s the music line-ups for your handy reference. For any and all other info check If yer gonna spew, spew into this.
11:15: Thrillsville
12:00: Wild Honey
1:00: Sick Thoughts
2:00: Paper Dragons
3:00: Chester Stacey
4:00: ADVLTS
5:00: Monster Museum
6:00: Roomrunner
THE AVENUE STAGE (36th in front of Bank of America)
11:15: Little Rib
12:00: The Creepers
1:00: Jaabs
2:00: Balkan Falcon
3:00: Raindeer
4:00: Celebration
5:00 Hampden Idol with Keyboard Man
CHESTNUT STAGE (36th St. and Chestnut)
11:15: Sweepstakes
12:00: The Idle Gossip
1:00: The Stents
2:00: Small Apartments
3:00: Sick Sick Birds
4:00: Sal Bando
5:00: Lush Farm
6:00: Kurt Deemer Band