Sorry Baltimore, but it’s Summer vacation time for the Chop. Since half of North Baltimore is about to be taken over by Artscape we’ve decided to slip out while the slipping is good and we’re slipping all the way to Texas, can you dig it?
One of our closest friends moved to Austin last Fall, so we’re heading down for a visit. We’ve been just about everywhere anyone would want to go, but this will be our first trip to Austin, which is pretty far out of the way of everything. While we’re there we’re going to check out Barton Springs Pool and make a side trip to Arlington to see the Orioles play the Rangers on the road.
Other than that, no real plans. Just getting drunk and raising hell in somebody else’s city for a change.
If you want to go on a virtual vacation right along with us we suggest you check out this Comprehensive List of Austin’s Best Blogs which is only a few months old. After clicking around for a while we didn’t exactly get the key to the city, but it’s always kind of neat to see that other people love their towns too, and that we’re not operating in a great void of bloggy nothingness when we type out these posts every day.
We’d rather do our discovering in person anyway. While we’re gone you can watch our Instagram, which is probably going to get quite a workout this week.
Smell you later, Charm City.