Gameday Regulars, All Eyes West @ Sidebar Tonight

It was a slow weekend around the Chophouse. We spent most of it drinking boxed wine and watching hard-boiled movies from the 70’s like Midnight Express and Dog Day Afternoon. Hell, it was a slow weekend around Baltimore. Except for Sunday night, there wasn’t much doing.

So we wouldn’t have minded too much if tonight’s Sidebar show had been on Saturday instead. But inasmuch as the World Series doesn’t begin until tomorrow night, it’s nice to have something to do on a Tuesday that’s not cooking or cleaning or folding laundry.

All Eyes West comes East, playing the Sidebar tonight. 9 pm. (photo: Kate Black)

Now, we are by no means a professional rock critic. This is the Baltimore Chop, not Rolling Stone magazine. So we’re kind of at a loss to say anything about these bands that’s not reductionist and labeling, even if we mean it in the best possible way. So with apologies we’re just going to say it:

Widow’s Watch sound like Mega City Four.

The Clamors sound like Crimpshrine.

All Eyes West sound like Foo Fighters.

Gameday Regulars sound like Hot Water Music.

Don’t believe it? Have a listen for yourself:





Those are the bands that are playing tonight. So if you’ve ever wanted to see MC4, Foo Fighters, HWM and Crimpshrine all on the same bill, this is about as close as you’re gonna get. If you just want to come hang out and drink Boh and be punk rock, well, that’s cool too.


Sidebar is at 218 E. Lexington St Downtown. 9 pm Doors.