We’ve got a new website! This will be the last post on thebaltimorechop.wordpress.com. Thebaltimorechop.com is now live, and all of our posts, past and future can be found there. Let this post serve as the official announcement.
The new site is light years ahead of the old one stylistically, and offers a tremendous increase in functionality at all levels. Leave us a comment at the bottom of this post… we’d love to know what you think about it.
If you’re an email subscriber, we sent you an email yesterday to notify you of the change. If you’re an RSS or WordPress Dashboard subscriber, please (a) click through to look at the new site and (b) update your feeds and bookmarks accordingly. If you’re not a subscriber, then what the hell are you waiting for? We’d love to have you on board and it’s free. You can sign up on the sidebar of any post page.
We’ve done what we can as far as getting the old site to redirect, but we’ve been using custom URLs in posts for quite some time, so a full post by post redirection will be, if not impossible, more work than we care to put in at this point. If you’ve got us in your blogroll, that redirect will work. If you don’t have us in your blogroll… help a blogger out, huh?
We’ve done everything we can this week to dial in the details of the new site and make the transition as smooth as possible. We’re hoping we’ve been pretty thorough, although there are sure to be a few minor tweaks and improvements in the near future.